Your Membership Includes

Your Weekly Workout Schedule + Meal Plan!

  • Exercising from home is perfect for those with busy schedules or those who just prefer a calmer, more comfortable atmosphere to practice! The SAIB membership offers Barre and Yoga video classes you can follow anywhere, anytime just by logging in to your account through this website!

  • Once you join, you will be sent an e-mail immediately, then every Sunday, that includes a weekly workout schedule to follow which is a mixture of Barre and Yoga classes. The idea is that you’re focusing on both the body and mind, mixing mindful practices with the Barre burn!

  • Find a library of nutrient dense recipes (workouts + meal plan membership)

  • A weekly seasonal meal plan, created to help you feel amazing from the inside out! This meal plan is your guarantee that you’ve focused on your nutrition each week, encouraging you to cook more from home, saving money each week with less food waste. (workouts and meal plans membership)

Join now to receive your weekly schedule of Barre and Yoga classes and start feeling the immediate benefits of your workout today!